USA:s banksektor i kaos: En övergripande titt på den "stora konsolideringen" och de största bankmisslyckanden av 2023

2023 has been a rollercoaster ride for the U.S. banking industry. The collapse of three major banks has sent shockwaves through the financial world, with their combined assets surpassing the top 25 banks that crumbled in 2008. The following is a

Sotheby's till Auction 3AC:s NFT-samling, Inklusive Larva Labs Zombie Punk och Dmitri Cherniaks "Golden Goose"

På onsdag, Sotheby's, one of the world’s largest brokers of fine and decorative art, announced its plans to auction a number of non-fungible token (NFT) assets that were previously owned by the now-defunct crypto hedge fund Three Arrows Capital (3AC). De…

"Nästa omgång av räddningsaktioner är här" - Bitcoin och ädelmetaller skjuter i höjden mitt i spekulationer om Fed-policyförändringar

At around 7:30 a.m. ET, the price of bitcoin skyrocketed past the $27,000 range to a high of $27,025 per enhet. Precious metals, or PMs, like gold and silver, also rose between 1.98% och 2.12% mot U.S.A. dollar over the

Miljardären Tim Draper uppmanar Sri Lanka att adoptera Bitcoin - Centralbanken säger "Vi vill inte göra krisen värre"

Billionaire investor and venture capitalist Tim Draper has reportedly attempted to convince the Sri Lankan government to adopt bitcoin. i alla fall, the governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka rejected his recommendation, betona: “Adoption of 100% bitcoin wont be a Sri

Litecoins Hashrate når all-Time High, Svårighet följer efter

The blockchain network Litecoins computational power reached an all-time high (ATH) på onsdag, Jan. 25, 2023, på blockhöjd 2,411,048, nå 798.43 terahash per sekund (TH/s). För övrigt, Litecoin’s difficulty also reached an all-time high this week, hitting 23,505,031 the following

Litecoin kommer att genomgå blockbelöningshalvering på drygt 200 dagar, Först bland stora PoW-kryptovalutor

In roughly 202 dagar, the cryptocurrency network Litecoin (LTC) will experience a block reward halving on or around Aug. 3, 2023. Litecoin will be the first major proof-of-work (PoW) blockchain to see a reward reduction before Bitcoins upcoming halving, vilket är…

"Ethereum Killers" lyckades "döda" sig själva 2022 Hellre än att slå den smarta kontraktsekonomins tungviktsmästare

At the end of 2021, a myriad of people thought a handful of smart contract platform tokens, often referred to asEthereum killers,’ would flip the second-largest crypto asset in terms of market capitalization in 2022. Som 2022 comes to an

The Stablecoin Economy Shed $28 Miljarder in 2022 Efter att en handfull tokens förlorat sina $1 Pinne

2022 has been an interesting year for stablecoin assets as the market capitalization of the entire stablecoin economy lost just over $28 miljarder i värde. Dessutom, mer än $3 billion has been erased from the stablecoin economy during the last 23

Bitcoin Miners upptäckt 53,240 Block i år, Foundry Led the Pack, Hashrate har nått en rekordnivå

As the new year approaches, more than a dozen bitcoin mining pools still dedicate a total of 238 exahash per sekund (EH/s) toward the Bitcoin blockchain in order to secure the network and reap mining rewards. Statistics indicate that the mining

Glöm inte vikten av censurmotstånd

Since people are once again talking about self-custody as one of cryptos unique strengths, I would like to remind everyone about an equally important fundamental value proposition of crypto that, in the early days, was touted as the killer feature. jag’m…